Outdoor Gear
A note on wool: this natural fiber is amazing in that it keeps you warm even when it has been wet. The Steiner Schools around the world recommend wool clothing for children. There are many companies that make ultra soft and light weight thermals, 100% wool is best.
Water-proof boots, rain pants, rain jacket, wool thermals, warm coat, hat, mittens, scarf/neck wrap, river shoes.
Suggested Brands
Boots: Bog boots, Lone Cone boots,
Rain pants: Oakiwear
Wool thermals: Simply Merino, Hocosa of Switzerland, Meriwool
River shoes: Crocs, Tevas, Keen
Natural insect repellent: Badger Balm, All Terrain, Cedarcide, Buzz Away, Almighty No Bitey
Natural sunscreen: Badger Balm, Burt’s Bees, Aveeno
Water-proof boots, rain pants, rain jacket, wool thermals, warm coat, hat, mittens, scarf/neck wrap, river shoes.
Suggested Brands
Boots: Bog boots, Lone Cone boots,
Rain pants: Oakiwear
Wool thermals: Simply Merino, Hocosa of Switzerland, Meriwool
River shoes: Crocs, Tevas, Keen
Natural insect repellent: Badger Balm, All Terrain, Cedarcide, Buzz Away, Almighty No Bitey
Natural sunscreen: Badger Balm, Burt’s Bees, Aveeno